True and False Purpose

We need Purpose in order to thrive.

Purpose gives us meaning - a structure in which to understand our place and what is ours to do.

Without Purpose our life looses its shape.

What matters? How should I live? What should I strive for? What should I do next?

Without a Purpose, there's no grounded answers to those questions.

Start by asking yourself what Purpose you've been operating from. Then ask, what Purpose do you want to be operating from?

But here's an important distinction: You can relate to your Purpose in two ways.

You can look to your Purpose to give you validation.

Or You can look to your Purpose to give you participation.

The False Self - your egoic identity - desires a Purpose so that it can feel validated.

"My purpose is to be an entrepreneur and build a business that makes a big impact in people's lives - and this is why I'm important and my life is meaningful."

The True Self - your deepest identity, who you are underneath your changing persona - relates to Purpose differently. It doesn't need validation because the True Self knows it is inherently and always important and valid. The True Self knows it is an integral part of the Whole, never separate.

What the True Self desires is participation. It knows it is a part of the Whole and it wants to participate in the great mystery or creation. Purpose is how it participates.

Of course, anything you are or do is participation. But the True Self often has a sense or knowing of what part it is here to play in the Great Play of Life. It has a specific way it can best participate, a specific Purpose.

Maybe you have gifts of healing or communicating or mobilizing people. Maybe a passion for bread making or photography or managing organizations.

Your Purpose for this season of your life may be obvious. Or you may have to follow the thread of passion, gifting and opportunities in front of you.

You'll know your Purpose because it is an invitation for you to fully participate - with your whole self, your True Self. Purpose is not something you merely decide would be interesting, fun or meaningful. Yes, it can and maybe should be all of those things, but it's more of a discovering the highest way you can participate in life than it is a deciding that this "makes sense" or will make you feel validated.

Tune into your Purpose for this season of life. It may be something that scares you because it's so big and daunting, like leaving your job for a passion project. It may scare you because it seems too small and inauspicious, like taking care of a sick parent.

You'll know if it's a False Self Purpose because you'll feel validated by the idea of it "succeeding" and fearful of it "failing." You'll know you're tuning in from your True Self if your Purpose feels like an invitation from life to fully show up and participate in this season with your current gifts and opportunities.

You need Purpose to feel fully alive.

Listen and look for how life is inviting you to fully participate in this season.

Brandon Hill

Brandon lives in Austin, Texas with his wife Ashley, where he eats ice cream and talks with new friends about religion and spirituality.


The Dreaded Alternative


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