Stop Marketing

What is the value you offer the world?

Knowing the answer to that question - and really, deeply feeling it at the core of your being - will guide your "marketing."

I put "marketing" in quotes, because when you're coming from that place of offering immense value or giving a gift to the world, terms like "marketing" or "advertising" can feel irrelevant.

To me, those terms disconnect me from the essence of what I'm here to do.

When I'm connected to my essence - my unique abilities, my contribution to the world - I resonate more with words like invitation or sharing or experience.

Why Marketing Feels Icky

When I'm disconnected from the value that I have to offer, it leads me to shrink back. And rightly so! I shouldn't spend my energy "marketing" something that I don’t believe has value. That feels icky. So, of course, I don't do it.

Disconnection from your value leads to inaction. You don't believe you have something to offer, so you don't offer or share anything.

The key is to explore what it is that you might have to offer the world.

Do you have something of value? Do you have a unique ability or superpower that would benefit others?

This can often be difficult to spot in ourselves. It often feels natural and effortless for us, so we devalue it. It's often something we assume that everyone else (or at least lots of other people) can do too, so it's not that special or unique.

It can be helpful to talk to those closest to you, ask what they see in you. Ask what your superpowers are.

Often, you will see threads of your superpower through your life. Things you did when you were little. Ways you showed up when you were young. Skills you developed because of your home life. People or paths you were drawn to in early adulthood.

Recognize your gifts. Until you do, marketing will feel like a game of conning others into buying something you don't believe has much value.

Step 1

Step 1 of Marketing: connect deeply with your unique ability / gift / superpower that you're here to give to the world.

From that place, you'll connect with the right ideas and relationships and experiments.

Where you start from matters. If you start from the place of 'I'm Supposed to Market My Business to Grow It and Make Money' then it will lead to certain ideas and relationships and strategies and tactics...

If you start from 'This is the Unique Gift I'm Here to Give' you will be lead to different ideas and people and paths.

Even if both lead you to use social media, the way you use it will differ based on what place you're coming from.

Even if both lead you to create a website, the website you create will be different based on what starting place you're creating that website from.

You may realize you need to start connecting with peers (a.k.a "networking). The energy and quality of the relationships you form will be based on the energy you're coming from ("I'm supposed to do this to grow my business" vs "I'm exploring how I can share my superpowers with the world"). Even the people you are led to may change.

When you are coming form the place of sharing your superpower, it may lead to completely different ideas and paths that would have never occurred to you from the mindset of “marketing.”

The Call to Adventure

Being deeply rooted in your value and gifting makes sharing your services a meaningful adventure.

It doesn't mean that it won't be frustrating or uncertain or there won't be failed attempts. But it's much easier to weather the ups and downs of your business when you see it as meaningful and connected to what you are here to do.

"Failing at marketing" becomes "I'm on a creative adventure to bring my gifts to those who need them!"

"I need to pretend to be an expert" becomes "I have something unique to share with certain people!"

"I'm supposed to do sales" becomes “I love inviting others to experience my superpower!"

May you identify what your superpower / abilities / gifts are. May you see that you were given that superpower because others are in desperate need of it. And may you have the courage to embark on the adventure of sharing with the world what you are here to do.

Brandon Hill

Brandon lives in Austin, Texas with his wife Ashley, where he eats ice cream and talks with new friends about religion and spirituality.


Creating from Joy


Negative Emotions